Into Training Australia (ITA) is a privately owned Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that has provided training and associated workforce services to the Transport & Logistic industry, including bus, construction, waste management and local government sectors for 20 years. In addition, to delivering comprehensive full qualification training services, we also develop and deliver short courses that satisfy industries’ skills needs and the ever-growing compliance requirements.
Established in 1999
ITA was established by a team of respected industry specialists and training professionals in 1999. Through our ability to work with clients to achieve their goals, the organisation has expanded over the years to 26 full-time staff in our Prospect (SA) and Parramatta (NSW) offices. This team supports the delivery of training to all mainland states of Australia, coordinating training and offering support services to our network of over 250 trainers located across the country.
Policies & Procedures
This Code of Practice provides the basis for best practice in the marketing, operation, financing and administration of education and training services by ITA.
For the purposes of this code “student” refers to any person participating in or has a contract for education or training delivered by ITA. A “client” is an organisation who may enter into a contract with ITA for the delivery of education and training services.
Provision of Training and Assessment Services
ITA ensures that:
- The student has the necessary language, literacy and numeracy skill level to undertake the course
- The student’s existing skills and knowledge are recognised
- Trainers delivering the course will have the relevant qualifications and industry experience
- Training delivery will occur in a safe and conducive learning environment
- Courses will be reviewed at least annually by industry
- Trainers and Assessors will have their performance reviewed and be provided with professional development opportunities
- Student’s progress will be monitored throughout the course
- Students learning difficulties will be addressed in a sensitive manner
- In circumstances where the training and assessment is delivered by a 3rd Party, ITA remains responsible for the quality of the training and assessment and issuance of a statement of attainment or qualification
- Feedback will be gathered on training courses, trainers, learning resources and assessment tools from both students and Trainers/Assessors, and will be analysed for continuous improvement purposes
Issuance of Qualifications
ITA issues statements of attainment and qualifications a to students who meet the required outcomes of a unit/s of competency and/or qualification, in accordance with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) standards. All statements of attainment and qualifications are nationally accredited and recognised.
Marketing of Training and Assessment Services
ITA markets and advertises its products and services in an ethical manner by:
- Accurately representing recognised training products and services to prospective clients
- Ensuring trainees are provided with full details of conditions in any contract arrangements with the organisation
- Gaining written permission from a student before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials
Financial Standards
ITA ensures that:
- Contractual and financial relationship between the client and the organisation is documented
- Copies of the following documentation are made available to the student/client:
- the rights and responsibilities of trainees/students
- costs of training and assessment services
- issuance of qualifications
- payment arrangements
- refund conditions and any other matters that place obligations on clients
If ITA is unable to fulfil its obligations to you we have measures in place to ensure that you either receive the service from another RTO .
Student Support Services
ITA understands that events may occur during the course of training that may limit a student’s capacity to successfully complete the course.
As our success depends upon students becoming competent in the tasks that we are teaching, our trainers will provide support to assist you in achieving your goals.
Work Health & Safety
ITA is committed to the protection of its students, visitors and staff from injury and to the promotion of their health and wellbeing. In meeting this commitment ITA will:
- Ensure compliance with the requirements of the relevant Occupational/Work Health & Safety Act and Regulations
- Provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe working environment and facilities to assist the health and wellbeing of students and others
- Ensure all trainer and assessors are inducted and provided with the relevant information, training, safe work procedures and equipment to enable them to carry out their duties safely
- Consult with designated client representatives, where necessary, unions and associations, to facilitate meeting the objectives of the clients work health and safety policy
- Hold client managers responsible for safety in their worksite
Record Keeping
Trainers and Assessors are required to keep accurate records of the attendance and student progress. ITA’s Academic Record Keeping Procedure applies to hard copy and electronic information relating to students, clients, trainers/assessors and programs. The procedure outlines critical information for record keeping and states rules about third party access.
Accurate records must also be kept of any financial transactions that reflect course payments and charges.
ITA safeguards the integrity of all these records and archives them in accordance with statutory and registering body requirements.
Quality Assurance
ITA provides quality training and assessment across all of its operations in accordance with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) standards for RTO’s 2015. ITA’s policies and procedures are regularly reviewed to comply with any updates and for continuous improvement purposes.
ITA’s management system is responsive to the needs of students, clients, staff and any other relevant stakeholder.
ITA consults with relevant subject matter experts, associations and regulatory bodies to develop training and assessment strategies which validate each course and set out for students, clients and delivery staff how ITA will approach and resource delivery.
Access and Equity
We are committed to principles of access and equity and will not unlawfully discriminate against clients. The obligations we place on our staff and students are to protect their health, safety and welfare and ensure as far as possible that learning experiences are positive and free of discrimination or harassment.
ITA will do this by:
- promoting access to training for all people regardless of gender, socio-economic background, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age or race
- ensuring training services are delivered in a non-discriminatory, open and respectful manner
- providing reasonable access and equity regarding training and assessment and that you are treated fairly and receive all reasonable assistance to successfully complete your course once accepted for enrolment.
- dealing fairly and constructively with your concerns and complaints about our services
Fee Payment
To ensure a place on a course, student fees must be paid in full before the start of the course. Failure to do so will result in the offer of a place on a course/subject being withdrawn.
If the course fee is more than $1,000, payment of $1,000 is to be paid prior to the start of the course, and the amount outstanding will be invoiced upon commencement of the course. No more than $1,500 can be invoiced at any given time in advance of tuition yet to be provided.
Payment can be made to ITA by cash (please do not send through ordinary post), cheque or money order (payable to Into Training Australia), electronic funds transfer or credit card.
When enrolling and requesting concession rates, the enrolment will not be processed until documentary proof of eligibility is received.
Receipts should be kept to assist with re-enrolling or refunds.
All invoices must be paid within 30 days.
The total of the course fee must be collected prior to issuance of Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
Receipt of Fees
Where fees are paid 30 days prior to the commencement of a course, these funds will be credited to a Trust Fund account held with a bank.
The funds will be transferred to the ITA general revenue account once the student’s course has commenced.
Withdrawal from a Course
If a student intends to withdraw from a course, he/she must advise ITA immediately, giving the reason for withdrawal.
Cancellations and Refunds
Refunds of fees will be paid in the following manner:
- A full 100% refund will apply if ITA is notified of the cancellation within 14 days of course commencement
- A 50% refund will apply if ITA is notified of the cancellation less than 14 days of course commencement
- Students who notify ITA of cancellation within 14 days of commencement will be given an opportunity to re-schedule into the course without further charge
- No refunds will be paid once the course has commenced
Training Guarantee
ITA reserves the right to cancel a course where;
Student demand does not meet the minimum level set for the course (this varies between courses)
Other unforeseen circumstances arise, such as the sudden unavailability of the trainer qualified to train/assess the course
Where a course has to be cancelled after students have been accepted into it, ITA will attempt to minimise the impact for those students by making alternative arrangements to ensure that the Student is not prevented from completed their qualification.
Fee Exemptions and Concessions
The relevant fee exemption/ concession form will be provided upon request. At the time of enrolment, a student will be informed of the circumstances which will entitle the student to obtain a fee exemption/concession form as part of Government Funded Training Program. If you require a fee exemption/concession form please contact ITA.
ITA is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who disclose confidential information to ITA.
- To comply with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth)
- To protect the privacy of students
- To ensure that confidential information will not be used for any other purpose other than what is agreed with the discloser
- Whenever ITA Training collects personal information about an individual, we take reasonable steps to notify the individual why the information is being collected. Notification occurs at or before the time of collection
- If an individual does not want to identify themselves or wants to use a pseudonym ITA Training will consider their application against its regulating standards and contracts
- We will never collect confidential information about individuals without their consent
- Student information requested during enrolment will be used for processing student results, contacting the student about their course, and for DET research, statistical and internal management purposes only
- ITA will not disclose any personal information to overseas recipients
- Our aim is to hold information which is accurate and up to date. Employers and subcontractors can check the information that we hold about them by contacting the Managing Director or relevant ITA Training Manager. Students can contact their trainer who will direct the concern to their Training Manager. If there are any inaccuracies brought to our attention we will correct it promptly
- The confidential information which we hold will be held securely and protected from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure in accordance with our internal security procedures
- All confidential information will be de-identified before being securely disposed
- If a person has any concerns or comments about our privacy policy they should contact the Managing Director
ITA ensures that all students, including those completing training through 3rd Party arrangements, have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with grievances, and provides an avenue for students to appeal against decisions which affect the student’s progress. Every effort is made by ITA to resolve grievances and the resolution process will focus on a rapid re-establishment of good educational working relationships and positive outcomes.
Complaint Handling Process
- A current student may make a complaint about an ITA decision by forwarding a signed, written complaint letter to ITA Head Office or an ITA Manager
- The relevant Manager will investigate the complaint and provide recommendations in a response letter to the Managing Director within 5 working days. The Manager will record the complaint in the
Complaints Register - Managing Director or delegate will address the complaint by recommending follow up action in writing to all parties within 2 weeks of the complaint being received. This will ensure all parties have an opportunity to formally present their case
- All correspondence to be filed in the Complaints Register for later referral if required
Appeals Process
- Following the resolution or completed investigation of a complaint, the complainant may appeal against any decision or finding made by the Managing Director
- If a student is not satisfied with the ITA response he/she may appeal in writing to the relevant regulating training body
Further Assistance
Where a grievance cannot be resolved internally, ITA advises students to contact their State Training Department or the National VET Complaints Hotline.
RPL Process
The option for RPL will be discussed with you at time of enrolment. If you wish to apply for RPL then a request for an RPL Pack will be submitted as part of your training plan requirements.
There are three key stages to the process:
Stage 1: Complete Application Form
This includes a self-assessment, employer/third party declaration and a summary of evidence.
Stage 2: Interview and Assessment
The RPL Application Form together with the evidence portfolio will be reviewed by an ITA Assessor. You will be required to participate in an assessment interview (face to face or by telephone) in which the evidence contained in your application can be discussed. Assessment will include answering questions designed to help verify your competence against the unit.
Stage 3: Recommendation
The Assessor will decide, based on the evidence collected, to either recommend approval or that further evidence is required. If there is insufficient evidence of competency you may be asked to provide additional evidence such as a demonstration of your skills or completion of the course assessments.
RPL Fees
Fees will be charged and will be advised to you on application.